1. Write the patterns of offering help/service
2. Write possible responses for offering help / service
Offering help/service is one of the most common expressions used in English. We can use this when we want to offer our help to other people.
Patterns of offering help/service are
1. May + I + verb 1?
For example:
May I help you?
May I give you a hand?
2. Would you like me to + verb 1?
For example:
Would you like me to cook our dinner?
Would you like me to bring your books to the class?
3. Can + I + verb 1?
For example:
Can I help you?
Can I bring this to your table?
4. Do you want me + to + verb 1?
For example:
Do you want me to write this letter for you?
Do you want me to iron your clothes?
Possible responses for offering help/service.
Thank you. That would be really helpful.
Yes, that would be great!
Thank you. I would appreciate it.
Responses for rejecting offer:
It’s okay, thank you. I can manage it myself.
Thanks but don’t worry, I can do it.
I appreciate it but don’t worry, I’m about to do it.
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